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Fermoyle X Mulcahy 14.1.jpg

Fermoyle X Mulcahy Preview

Fermoyle X Michael Mulcahy Preview

Online Sale: Sunday 1st December at 8 pm

We are delighted to work with artist Michael Mulcahy, a member of Aosdàna and a national treasure of Ireland. The work will be selling on our website and it will go live on Sunday 1st December at 8 pm. For news and updates please follow us on Instagram @fermoylecollaborations

Large Rimmed Plate A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

32 cm wide x 3.5 cm high. 1815 grams


Large Rimmed Plate B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

31.5 cm wide x 4 cm high. 1675 grams.


Large Rimmed Plate C. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

31 cm wide x 3.5 cm high. 1550 grams.


Large Concave Plate A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

31.5 cm wide x 3.5 cm high. 1305 grams.

€850 SOLD

Large Concave Plate B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

29.5 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1105 grams


Large Concave Plate C. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

28 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1115 grams


Large Concave Plate D. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

28 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1040 grams.


Large Concave Plate E. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

28.5 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1045 grams.


Platter A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

33 cm wide x 2 cm high. 1685 grams

€950 SOLD

Platter B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

32.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 1660 grams.


Platter C. Hand-painted white stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

33.5 cm wide x 2 cm high. 1840 grams.


Square Plate A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams.


Square Plate B. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip, clear glaze & gold lustre. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams


Square Plate C. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & satin glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams


Square Plate D. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams


Square Plate E. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams.


Square Plate F. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams.


Square Plate G. Hand-painted iron stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 2.5 cm high. 1150 grams.

€600 SOLD

Slab Plate A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.8 cm high. 850 grams.


Slab Plate B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 815 gram.

€650 SOLD

Slab Plate C. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

26.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 900 grams.


00353 (0)87 604 7559

Slab Plate D. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 835 grams.


Slab Plate E. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 870 gram.


Slab Plate F. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 870 grams.


Slab Plate G. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 835 grams.


Slab Plate H. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 850 grams.


Slab Plate I. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 845 grams.


Slab Plate J. Hand-painted textured stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 960 grams.


Slab Plate K. Hand-painted textured stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

26 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 1015 grams.



00353 (0)87 604 7559

Small Slab. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

25 cm wide x 0.5 cm high. 625 grams.

€400 SOLD

Cowboy Slab A. Hand-painted iron stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

24 cm wide x 26.4 cm high x 0.5 cm thick. 550 grams.

€550 SOLD

Cowboy Slab B. Hand-painted stoneware with clear glaze and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

21.5 cm wide x 23.5 cm high x 0.5 cm thick. 420 grams.


Small Plate A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

20 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 410 grams.


Small Plate B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

20.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 450 grams.


Small Plate C. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

20.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 435 grams.


Small Plate D. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Hand-formed.

20.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 455 grams.


Small Plate E. Hand-painted white stoneware with pink porcelain, clear glaze, and gold lustre. Hand-formed.

18.5 cm wide x 1.5 cm high. 345 grams.


Extra Small Plate. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip & clear glaze. Hand-formed.

15 wide x 1.3 cm high. 200 grams.

€90 SOLD

Large Pedestal. Hand-painted white stoneware with gold lustre and clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

27 cm wide x 22.5 high. 2700 grams.


Extra Large Rectangular Platter. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip and clear glaze. Hand-formed.

37.5 cm wide x 28 cm high x 3 cm high.



00353 (0)87 604 7559

Extra Large Rectangular Slab. Hand-painted iron stoneware with porcelain slip and clear glaze. Hand-formed. Comes with wall hanging device.

42.5 cm wide x 38 cm high x 3 cm high.



00353 (0)87 604 7559

Extra Large Platter. Hand-painted iron stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

49 cm wide x 5 cm high. 6000 grams.


Bowl A. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams.


Bowl B. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams.



00353 (0)87 604 7559

Bowl C. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams.


Bowl D. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams.


Bowl E. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams



00353 (0)87 604 7559

Bowl F. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams


Bowl G. Hand-painted white stoneware with clear glaze. Wheel thrown.

15 cm wide x 18 cm high. 400 grams
